Does Your Life Feel Out of Control?

Is your life not feeling how it should?

Life can be horribly messy at times. It can spiral out of control very quickly. You might find you can’t shake the feeling of overwhelm, or that you’re lost. Core Sense can help you take back control of your life.

If you can imagine feeling stronger, more confident and having a mindset that works with you and not against you then you’re already half way to living life on your terms. I’ll help you take the next steps

Wellbeing Services

The loss of control in your life impacts the things that truly matter to you. Your family, your business and of course your own health and wellbeing. Core Sense covers these three aspects and helps you get to where you want to be.

For You

You might find it hard to put yourself first, but when wellbeing starts with you it radiates outwards and encompasses family and friends

For Your Family

Has your family dynamic run amok? Are you wondering how to cope with the chaos rather than thrive? Start here

For Your Business

Wondering how to free yourself from the business treadmill? Sick of all work and no play? Wellbeing for business starts here:

You'll love how easy it is to work with Core Sense on your wellbeing

Client Testimonials

I worked with Naomi for about 6 years and through her encouragement and advice have developed in confidence and ability. She has helped me overcome procrastination and disorganisation to make significant progress in turning my hobby/passion into a business.

Cathy Read

Cathy Read Art

Naomi helped me to regain my identity, reminded me of my strength and believed in me when I was lost. She is a lighthouse in rough seas, the sunshine after the storm, an angel on earth. I’ll be forever grateful that fate introduced us.

Hayley J.T Holmes

Virtual Admin

Naomi is a highly tuned person who picks up on all the unspoken words that flow. Naomi is able to guide people from a negative place into a positive place with a firm but gentle hand, giving people the time and space to make difficult decisions with the knowledge that Naomi has your back and that you are not alone or silly. Naomi certainly gives you back control.

Carolyn Binnie

Latest from the Core Sense Blog

A Day of Reflection: March 23rd 2021

Today has been designated as a Day of Reflection as it is 12 months since the first UK Lockdown occurred and to remember the 125,000 people who have died during this time. Tonight my co-host, Clay Lowe and I broadcast our weekly live Radio Show / Podcast focusing on...

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Would you like to talk about your wellbeing?

Heightened awareness is the cornerstone of communication … of personal, professional and leadership development. Naomi is a finely tuned human being - a first class teacher and highly focused coach. I hired Naomi’s services with the express purpose of building a heightened sense of awareness. This has empowered me to be far more present in the stillness of the moment and to really hear in depth what is being said, with significant benefits to clients as well as in my personal life. I would strongly recommend that you work with Naomi to discover these benefits for yourself.

Denis Roberts


Naomi is an excellent coach; she is an expert at identifying deep rooted emotional issues and enabling the remedying of them. I really enjoyed working with her and would happily recommend her to anyone who's in need of some emotional spring cleaning.

Emma O'Brien

Award-winning Photographer

Naomi is a wonderful, caring, compassionate and creative coach who has helped me see a clearer way ahead on many occasions! She asks insightful questions and allows me to come to answers with encouragement and support along the way.
She is a great family coach and works brilliantly with addressing parenting issues that can make any parent question their ability to manage family life! I highly recommend her.

Lindsay de Swart

Parenting Coach

Heightened awareness is the cornerstone of communication … of personal, professional and leadership development. Naomi is a finely tuned human being - a first class teacher and highly focused coach. I hired Naomi’s services with the express purpose of building a heightened sense of awareness. This has empowered me to be far more present in the stillness of the moment and to really hear in depth what is being said, with significant benefits to clients as well as in my personal life. I would strongly recommend that you work with Naomi to discover these benefits for yourself.

Denis Roberts


Naomi is an excellent coach; she is an expert at identifying deep rooted emotional issues and enabling the remedying of them. I really enjoyed working with her and would happily recommend her to anyone who's in need of some emotional spring cleaning.

Emma O'Brien

Award-winning Photographer

Naomi is a wonderful, caring, compassionate and creative coach who has helped me see a clearer way ahead on many occasions! She asks insightful questions and allows me to come to answers with encouragement and support along the way.
She is a great family coach and works brilliantly with addressing parenting issues that can make any parent question their ability to manage family life! I highly recommend her.

Lindsay de Swart

Parenting Coach